
Family Insight Trends for 2023 – A Year of Counter Reactions 

2022 was a testing year for families overall, the fall out of Covid on their school and working lives as well as the emotional toll it has taken. Plus, the rise in costs has impacted many aspects of their decision making from what beans to buy to places they can or cannot visit.

So 2023 is going to see a reaction and sometimes a counter-reaction to these significant impacts on their behaviours, emotions and decision-making – changes made – many with a positive stride forward.

Our Family Trends for 2023

1. A conscious move away from the screen – There is a significant movement of parents who really want to get themselves and their children out of their lounges and bedrooms to spend more time being social and in the fresh air.

The pandemic sowed habits where many children spent more time on their XBox or IPad and now families are looking for ways to get them (and themselves) socialising more with friends and being more interactive, independent and active.

2. Re-use, mend and second hand with the benefit of sustainability –The cost of living crisis has escalated the want and need for re-sale – Facebook Marketplace is the place to be. Plus, mending and restoring is becoming a growing hobby for both parents and children.

However, alongside this is the growing amount of teens and tweens who are consciously buying and selling from the likes of Depop and charity shops for the vintage and sustainability credentials, as well as saving money.

This second-hand growing trend is cemented with the dual benefits of helping the planet and saving money, whichever comes first.

3. Mixing it up in the kitchen – Families are looking for new ways to not only be economical when it comes to cooking but also inventive. With fewer families eating out and, for many, less money to spend, families are on the lookout for new kitchen gadgets, cooking methods, recipes and foods that can inspire them. It’s like a quest for many.

The airfryer has been the hit of 2022 and will continue to be in 2023 and when families want to mix up their snacking and cooking it means more opportunities for brands to fill their needs.

In 2023 families will make more of what they have, what’s on their doorstep but that doesn’t mean they want to stand still or go backwards. They want to mix it up, be inspired and re-invent.

Or in business speak families want to ‘pivot’ and brands can certainly get in on the action to help them.